Large Area Alert Issued – Weather Forecast for Sunday

[ad_1] A cold front passes over the Carpathian Basin, behind which the temperature drops significantly on Sunday. Weather forecast warning for Sunday subtitle Weather forecast for Sunday morning Weather forecast for Sunday morning – Source: Sunday the sky will be very cloudy or overcast, at first the clouds may …

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At home: Rector Semmelweis: It was a military exercise to free the hospital beds

[ad_1] At home: Rector Semmelweis: it was a military exercise to free hospital beds | Would you like to receive information about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”8cac706e-75ff-428c-94de-d8f0f2426c58″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Kárpátalján a hatodik beteg vesztette életét. “,”shortLead”:”Kárpátalján a hatodik beteg vesztette életét. “,”id”:”20200418_Eddig_hat_koronavirusos_aldozat_Karpataljan”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”9dfb9a5f-1b39-4c0d-9ab0-5770b941febe”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/vilag/20200418_Eddig_hat_koronavirusos_aldozat_Karpataljan”,”timestamp”:”2020. április. 18. 16:45″,”title”:”Eddig hat koronavírusos …

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Andrs Iniesta would return to Barcelona

[ad_1] Andrs Iniesta of Spain, who is currently the head of Vissel Kobe of Japan, does not intend to complete a professional soccer game at the age of thirty. The former captain of the FC Barcelona team declared in a statement to the Spanish newspaper AS: the Catalan club can …

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