Worship: Over 40 Billion Forints of Money Raised at Online Charity Concert

[ad_1] Worship: More than 40 billion forints raised at an online charity concert hvg.hu Would you like to receive information about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”959456b0-8398-4964-9176-92d8299214f5″,”c_author”:”hvg.hu”,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Az Apple mobileszközeit a cég saját chipkészlete hajtja. Valami hasonlóra készülnek most a Google-nél is.”,”shortLead”:”Az Apple mobileszközeit a cég saját …

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Laci Gáspár almost ruins his wife’s birthday

[ad_1] The new RTL Klub quarantine program has started. Stay home by yourself! We can actually have fun with the “quarantine adventures” of Zsófi Szabó, Heni Dér, Laci Gáspár, ByeAlex and their families. The stars have decided that, despite the closure, they will feel good, they will not lose their …

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At home: Miklós Kásler responded in a letter to criticism from the medical chamber.

[ad_1] At home: Miklós Kásler reacted by letter to criticism from the medical chamber. hvg.hu Would you like to receive information about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”b89c60f4-fa1c-4631-9674-6cad02aae459″,”c_author”:”Balla Györgyi”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”A pacemaker a szívritmust szabályozza, az agyi defibrillátor az idegsejtek működésébe lehet képes beavatkozni. Magyar orvosok és mérnökök …

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The coronary situation in Italy has stabilized.

[ad_1] On the second day, the number of hearing victims of coronavirus infection, which reached less than 23,660 in Italy, is under fire, the Italian Civil Protection Authority said Sunday night. The death toll was 433, a further decrease from 482 on Saturday or 575 on Friday. The current victims …

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Mjus can finish third in Hungary

[ad_1] On Sunday Prime Minister Viktor Orbn visited Ajkn. He told city council that by the third third, when experts had predicted the law, there would be 5,000 breaths available. This is largely safe. The gpek number will rise to 8,000. On Sunday, it also turned out that in Hungary …

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World: the Russian army has also tested the Armata tank in Syria

[ad_1] World: Russian army also tests Armata tank in Syria hvg.hu Would you like to receive information about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”c6f53f03-5b73-4a8a-8f82-cefa71a44cc7″,”c_author”:”hvg.hu”,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”Nem marad el, már lehet jelentkezni.nn”,”shortLead”:”Nem marad el, már lehet jelentkezni.nn”,”id”:”20200419_Rogan_Cecilia_szepsegversenye_dacol_a_jarvannyal”,”image”:”https://img3.hvg.hu/image.aspx?id=c6f53f03-5b73-4a8a-8f82-cefa71a44cc7&view=ffdb5e3a-e632-4abc-b367-3d9b3bb5573b”,”index”:0,”item”:”a81a38cf-0439-451c-87f8-07e362878f48″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/elet/20200419_Rogan_Cecilia_szepsegversenye_dacol_a_jarvannyal”,”timestamp”:”2020. április. 19. 09:15″,”title”:”Rogán Cecília szépségversenye dacol a járvánnyal”,”trackingCode”:”RELATED”,”c_isbrandchannel”:false,”c_isbrandcontent”:false,”c_isbrandstory”:false,”c_isbrandcontentorbrandstory”:false,”c_isbranded”:false,”c_ishvg360article”:false,”c_partnername”:null,”c_partnerlogo”:”00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000″,”c_partnertag”:null},{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”32ef4f86-c4f3-45ad-81b7-25ed80b95255″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”Az elmúlt egy hónapban negyedével …

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Legionnaires: Szoboszlai and Milan on the cover of Tuttosport

[ad_1] As we write, the local press was covered by the statement of Federal Captain Marco Rossi that Dominik Szoboszlai would probably sign a contract with Italy. And on today’s front page of Tuttosport, he harassed the 19-year-old midfielder with AC Milan among the Italian applicants mentioned above. ad Szoboszlai’s …

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