Extraordinary black hole makes gravitational waves exciting

[ad_1] Constellations looking for gravitational waves have spread two substantially different spaces between black holes, opening a new chapter in astrophysics and gravitational physics. The trid’s weak waves give the first indispensable proof that at least one of the black holes was spinning before the capital, providing good information on …

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10 questions and 10 answers about negative oil prices

[ad_1] Negative oil prices have become a reality. Yesterday, for the first time in the history of WTI-type oil, the quote turned negative, We could also see an oil price of less than $ 40, which at first glance was very difficult to believe. The negative oil prices of yesterday …

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Economy: Croatian government would open a “tourist corridor” for tourists

[ad_1] Economy: Croatian government to open “tourist corridor” for tourists hvg.hu Would you like to receive information about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”ad493ebf-9782-42f9-bbab-93b5bae0c2a1″,”c_author”:”hvg.hu”,”category”:”cegauto”,”description”:”Ez a divatterepjáró úgy gyorsul és olyan komoly a végsebessége, hogy azt akár egy vérbeli sportkocsi is megirigyelheti.”,”shortLead”:”Ez a divatterepjáró úgy gyorsul és …

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Zalán’s return didn’t save them either

[ad_1] Not everything turned out for the Challengers in the Joker game the way they wanted. Although the team had high hopes for Zalán’s return, in the end the Champions still won. Before the broadcast: the moment came, Novák Zalán returned with his companions in the camp. Zalán was already …

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At home: In February, Péter Szijjártó received treatment for pneumonia.

[ad_1] At home: Péter Szijjártó was treated for pneumonia in February hvg.hu Would you like to receive information about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”b178f937-ee95-44ff-bd0e-d1a0316bafb6″,”c_author”:”hvg.hu”,”category”:”kkv”,”description”:”A fizetésmegvonást hétfőtől rendelte el a cégóriás.”,”shortLead”:”A fizetésmegvonást hétfőtől rendelte el a cégóriás.”,”id”:”20200420_disney_koronavirus_jarvany_munkanelkuliseg_fizetesmegvonas”,”image”:”https://img3.hvg.hu/image.aspx?id=b178f937-ee95-44ff-bd0e-d1a0316bafb6&view=ffdb5e3a-e632-4abc-b367-3d9b3bb5573b”,”index”:0,”item”:”34e7bc7b-e23a-47b4-b8f5-fbe04a9fede2″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/kkv/20200420_disney_koronavirus_jarvany_munkanelkuliseg_fizetesmegvonas”,”timestamp”:”2020. április. 20. 08:09″,”title”:”Úgy spórol a Disney, hogy nem ad …

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Can Alonso also have the opportunity to meet Vettel at Ferrari?

[ad_1] Hu.motorsport-com also reported that Sebastian Vettel, according to Italian press reports, rejected Ferrari’s first offer, which was shorter and would have been for less money than the one due in 2020. Ferrari offered Vettel a one-year extension and more than half of his salary. However, according to F1-Insider.com, this …

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