Several are dating friends

[ad_1] László Seprenyi, the actor who played Krisztián Bartha in Friends, decided to leave the series after seven years. But he is not the only one who leaves. After seven years, László Seprenyi decided to abandon the role of Krisztián Bartha, whom he had trained, among the Friends. The actor …

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Index – Tech-Tudomány – Elon Musk veszélyes játszmába kezdett

[ad_1] A koronavírus-járvány kapcsán to Tesla / SpaceX-vezér, is Twitter-szupersztár Elon Musk hónapok óta hamis hireket, félinformációkat és a saját, nem túl megalapozott kétségeit kétségeit kétségeé kétségeé fasiszta dolog. From néhány napja megosztotta azt az azóta több helyen élesen bírált elméletet is, amely arról szólt, hogy nyugodtan lehet tömegbe menni, …

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Vaccination against coronavirus may be earlier than expected.

[ad_1] This program will email you the title and article introduction, all you have to do is enter the recipient’s email address. You can also add some line comments to the message in the “Comment” section. The Oxford researchers, who promised results in their coronavirus vaccine in September, found a …

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Windows 10 may slow down less frequently

[ad_1] On computers that use only the hard drive. As the first Windows 10 update is available this year, Microsoft has yet to announce the exact release date. The Windows 10 May 2020 update won’t bring orbital features – it’s not worth waiting for the release – but it has …

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