Index – Culture – Government Spokesperson: Events of less than 500 people cannot be held until August 15

[ad_1] 04/30/2020. 23:46 Modified: 04/30/2020 23:56 Government spokeswoman Alexandra Szentkirály clarified the announcement of the summer restrictions on Thursday night at M1. While in the morning Gergely Gulyás, together with the Minister in charge of the Prime Minister’s Office, announced in the government information that it would not be possible …

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Kim Jongun was reported by Taiwan’s chief intelligence officer

[ad_1] Taiwan’s National Security Office, Taiwan’s chief intelligence officer (NSB) Chuu Kuo-cheng said Thursday, Kim Jongun is North Korea’s top patient, the CNA’s Taiwan State News Agency reported. However, he did not say more, citing the security of the news sources. According to the CNA, Chiu answered this question from …

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Technology: The new brutal Assassin’s Creed is being created, here is the first video about Valhalla

[ad_1] Technology: the new brutal Assassin’s Creed is created, here is the first video about Valhalla | Would you like to receive information about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”b7d72191-121b-452d-b4a9-69246d3ba5c8″,”c_author”:”HVG360″,”category”:”360″,”description”:”A konferenciahívások sokszor nehézkesek, kínosak és eredménytelenek. Most megmutatjuk, hogyan teheti sikeressé és problémamentessé konferencia beszélgetéseit.”,”shortLead”:”A …

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Technology: After minicomputers, here is Raspberry’s cheap pocket camera with removable lens

[ad_1] Technology: After minicomputers, here is Raspberry’s cheap pocket camera with interchangeable lenses Would you like to receive information about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”61773d76-5ede-4584-9426-6fa7f995e234″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”Csupán egy hajszállal van a bóvli kategória felett az EU harmadik legnagyobb gazdasága a hitelminősítő szerint.”,”shortLead”:”Csupán egy hajszállal van a …

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EmNem gondolnám, hogy meg tud verni téged bárki is˝ /

[ad_1] Szabó Dorka teljesen egyetért Király Nórával, szerinte is kissé szétesett a Bajnokok csapata. Tóth Dávid próbált társába egy kis lelket önteni, ám azt elismerte, ő is kivette a részét abból, hogy az elmúlt napokban sorra érték a kudarcok a pirosakat. Két csapat küzdelme a fődíjért és a dicsőségért az …

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Poultry Already Being Killed in Three Counties for Avian Flu

[ad_1] This program will email you the title and article introduction, all you have to do is enter the recipient’s email address. You can also add some line comments to the message in the “Comment” section. Avian influenza also appeared in Békés County: in Battonya, experts began to eradicate a …

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