Bayern: for which Alaba will always be grateful to Ribéry

[ad_1] David Alaba, the defender for Bayern Munich, video chat with Kyle Kuzma, the basketball player for the Los Angeles Lakers in the NBA. During the conversation, the Austrian footballer’s close relationship with Franck Ribéry was also discussed. ad David Alaba has a good friendship with Franck Ribéry (Photo: AFP) …

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At Home: The test is already used at home to detect coronavirus infection with 99.5 percent accuracy

[ad_1] At Home: The test is already being used at home to detect coronavirus infection with 99.5 percent accuracy | Would you like to receive information about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”4e33526f-4280-4105-89b1-7a0fcc5fac3e”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”A rendszer automatikusan visszaküldi a járőrnek az öt legjobban hasonlító profilt.”,”shortLead”:”A rendszer automatikusan …

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In a week, we will see some new generation games on the move

[ad_1] Among third-party programs, we are slated to watch an Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla gameplay video for the first time. After more than 8 hours of presentation yesterday, Ubisoft finally presented the Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla the first preview, which has become downright spectacular, but obviously most are curious about the actual …

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Afrobeat legend Tony Allen is dead.

[ad_1] help to the editorial office! Without you, there are no 444. Tony Allen, one of the founders and legends of the Afrobeat movement, who died in Paris at the age of 79, writes The Guardian. Her manager said her death happened suddenly, the exact cause is not yet known, …

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Economy: foreign businessmen can return to Hungary

[ad_1] Economy: foreign entrepreneurs can return to Hungary Would you like to receive information about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”a031dfb1-ff88-452a-bc62-7620d5f83dcf”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”Akár 30 százalékkal is visszaeshet az ország gazdasága idén. “,”shortLead”:”Akár 30 százalékkal is visszaeshet az ország gazdasága idén. “,”id”:”20200429_48_szazalekot_zuhant_az_amerikai_gazdasag_az_elso_negyedevben”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”59533d8f-4a62-4af4-9f2d-d4e788dbf9ef”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/gazdasag/20200429_48_szazalekot_zuhant_az_amerikai_gazdasag_az_elso_negyedevben”,”timestamp”:”2020. április. 29. 15:34″,”title”:”Drámai módon visszaesett az …

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