Many foreigners living in Britain are falling for help

[ad_1] UK authorities have denied assistance to many EU citizens living in the UK. Rejected EU citizens feel that the British government is treating them unfairly at the time of the epidemic, Index writes after Politico. Although in the agreement governing British exit from the EU, the British government promised …

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Coronavirus: Death toll nears a quarter of a million

[ad_1] According to data from John Hopkins University on Saturday morning in the world To date, 3,344,274 coronavirus infections have been reported, There were 238,775 deaths from infection and 1,053,344 healers are registered. Almost a third of those registered as infected came from the United States, followed by Spain, Italy …

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Elon Musk ámokfutása: elképesztő üzenetekkel sokkolt a Twitteren

[ad_1] Elon Musk legutóbb egyik Twitter-üzenetében arról írt, hogy véleménye szerint túl magas a Tesla részvényárfolyama. Elon Musk bejegyzésére azonnal reagáltak is a befektetők, az ardfolyam néhány perc leforgása alatt hatalmasat zuhant, a Tesla 10.3 százalékos eséssel zárta a pénteki kereskedést, az elektromosautó-gyártó piazárk Tesla stock price is too high …

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Technology: The new Half-Life is brilliant, it just wouldn’t be a luxury item

[ad_1] Technology: the new Half-Life is brilliant, just don’t be a luxury item Would you like to receive information about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”f6e68f3f-6faa-4b23-bf99-a3f58c571e67″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”A 30 éve a rendszerváltás után megalakult első Országgyűlésre emlékeztek Göncz Árpád szobránál az ellenzéki politikusok.”,”shortLead”:”A 30 éve a rendszerváltás …

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shown in the new TV2 series

[ad_1] The neighbors star after many years, but finally they returned to the television screens, and to our great surprise, we saw him yesterday in a new comedy series. Yesterday, the comedy Once Upon a Time in Buda, Gáspár Bödör, or the comedy Bödörék, appeared on TV2. From the fans …

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At home: Zoltán Kovács reacted to the fact that Orban was portrayed as Hannibal Lecturer in ZDF entertainment

[ad_1] At home: Zoltán Kovács reacted to the fact that Orban was portrayed as Hannibal Lecturer on the ZDF entertainment program | Would you like to receive information about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”1aa5793c-8a81-4132-a149-9c6c171c81ca”,”c_author”:”HVG”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Az illiberális kormányok nem számíthatnak a feltétel nélküli európai támogatásra, ha …

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Gtek medical face masks with no-go zna

[ad_1] The flames were extinguished through the chrome and are still being watched to see if the fire is back in the warehouse where many medical masks have been removed. The collection cannot be ruled out, and police have begun investigating, according to V4NA International. It lit up at dawn …

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