At home: Direkt36: China has already banned it, but by then Hungary had already bought in the poorest crown trials

[ad_1] Home: Direkt36: China has already banned it, but Hungary has already bought in the poorest crown tests by then | Would you like to receive information about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”4888af8c-d289-4fce-a2e2-ac712435ed08″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”A tereprendezést nem jelentette be előre a tulajdonos. “,”shortLead”:”A tereprendezést nem jelentette …

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Kim Jongun’s mysterious disappearance

[ad_1] For weeks, news and various explanations appear about the mysterious disappearance of the Kim Jongun dictatorship in North Korea. Some have said he has a serious illness, while others say he is not on the public list due to coronary heart disease, but he is also known to have …

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A cat virus test in France was positive

[ad_1] In France, a cat tested positive for the coronavirus, presumably contracting the infection from its owners, the National College of Veterinarians in Alfort (ENVA) near Paris said on Saturday, and recommended that infected people also stay away from their pets. . A joint team of epidemiologists from ENVA, the …

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At home: Gergely Karácsony: Árpád Göncz showed the right side of the republic

[ad_1] At home: Gergely Karácsony: Árpád Göncz showed the right side of the republic Would you like to receive information about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”92a99535-e48e-4c25-8d30-6b23129bfab3″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”Európa legforgalmasabb repülőterének igazgatója arra figyelmeztet, hogy nem lesz kivitelezhető a jövőben az, hogy az utasok egymástól megfelelő távolságban …

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i the j Intel Core processors

[ad_1] Cscs models are basic, products need a new motherboard. Intel has announced 10th generation Core CPUs for desktop computers. The processors that will launch in May-June will be part of the Comet Lake family, a reheated version of Skylake 2015. Intel Core i9-10900KSource: Intel Of course, in the past …

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Habits for a long and happy relationship: woman and man

[ad_1] Love or affection alone is not enough to make a long-term relationship happy. A balanced relationship, maintaining attachment, softening conflict requires work, effort, and care on both sides. Experts have long been looking for what can be a lasting and happy relationship the key. Several surveys have been conducted …

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An alarm was issued due to a thunderstorm.

[ad_1] At first instance, the National Weather Service issued a lemon alarm in the Alps. On Saturday night afternoon, in Tiszntlon (getting closer to the eastern border), thunderstorms may occur in small amounts, and at night there will be more dusty rainfall to the west. there is There is a …

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