The Last of Us Part 2 or Cyberpunk 2077?

[ad_1] Ladies and gentlemen, this is the most important video player question of the year: how many copies will Assassin’s Creed Valhalla order? Okay, sorry, it was a weak joke, let’s move on to what I was already aiming for in the title. 2020 has seemed like a very brutal …

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Economy: and tens of thousands of people who lose their jobs can prepare for public work

[ad_1] Economy: and tens of thousands of people who lose their jobs can prepare for public works Would you like to receive information about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”9928a26e-106b-4f5e-9b0a-3e22ea2d8e20″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”Mostanáig ötszáz fölött jár a számuk. A kkv-k a legaktívabbak.”,”shortLead”:”Mostanáig ötszáz fölött jár a számuk. A …

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Eight series of cartoons for adults

[ad_1] The Rick and MortyMeanwhile he South Park and a Family Guy it is still happening, but there is also life in the cartoon production: we also found other animation series specifically for adults on television, online offer. We can pass the time in simulated worlds, in the America of …

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Warhammer: Age of Sigmar – Frontier game on the way

[ad_1] The Frontier Developments team did not hit him hard, so far only on his website, among investor announcements, he reported that he was working on a strategy game set in the world of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. The brigade behind Elite: Dangerous, Planet Coaster, Planet Zoo and Jurassic World …

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Index – Abroad – Italian deaths increase again

[ad_1] 05/02/2020. 18:37 Modified: 02/02/2020 19:03 474 people lost their lives in a single day, not the same number in the last ten days. According to an Italian newspaper, the data is indeed distorted, with reports of previous deaths. In Italy, 474 patients have died from the coronavirus in the …

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