Boxing: István Kovács also signed the Szekler initiative

[ad_1] Olympic boxing champion István Kovács also signed the initiative of the Szekler National Council so that in the future the European Union takes into account the national characteristics of the different regions much better than today. The goal of the fundraising, which runs until May 7, is to allow …

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750 have died IV. Bla, the second base of operations

[ad_1] He died on July 3, 1270, IV. The Hungarian king of Bla rpd, who brought the country almost completely destroyed after the Tatras. II. Andrs’ oldest son was born in November 1206. Everything was cold when his mother, Gertrudis, became the victim of an assassination attempt (this incident was …

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At home: And how much did you pay attention to the news of coronavirus? – Here is the resulting questionnaire

[ad_1] At home: And how much did you pay attention to the news of coronavirus? – Here is the questionnaire that shows Would you like to receive information about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”d45e362f-6081-4fbb-addd-a6103a4da494″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Arról akarnak képet kapni, hogy hogyan változott az élelmiszerekhez fűződő viszonyunk …

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