Now you can get three games at once for free

[ad_1] Due to the coronavirus epidemic, we spend a lot of time between the four walls, both for children and adults, and that’s when it is really good to be able to tie ourselves to something. A variety of video games can help with this, three of which are now …

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Vb 2006: Materazzi elárulta, pontosan mit mondott Zidane-nak

[ad_1] 14 évvel a történtek után Marco Materazzi elárulta, hogy a 2006-os labdarúgó-világbajnokság döntőjének hosszabbításában mit mondott pontosan Zinédine Zidane-nak, aki ezt követően lefejelte. Marco Materazzi congratulate yourself, hogy pontosan my történt to 2006-os vb-döntő 110. percében (Photo: AFP) Mint ismert, a 2006-os németországi világbajnokság döntőjében Olaszország és Franciaország találkozott …

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Real estate: rents are falling in Budapest

[ad_1] Real Estate: Rents fall in Budapest Would you like to receive information about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”1017169b-b011-4746-826c-f917df3c1c1e”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Május közepétől vészhelyzetre enyhíthetik a szükségállapotot Romániában. Ezzel feloldják a kijárási tilalmat, de kötelező lesz a maszkviselés zárt közösségi térben.”,”shortLead”:”Május közepétől vészhelyzetre enyhíthetik a szükségállapotot Romániában. …

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Index – Abroad – The second phase of the epidemic begins in Italy

[ad_1] With the relaunch of factories, the automotive, textile and construction industries, and urban public transport, the so-called second phase of the epidemic in Italy will begin on Monday. Almost 4.5 million workers are rehired, but many are only telecommuting, and curfew restrictions have yet to be fully removed. According …

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There may be a change you never thought of in your dreams

[ad_1] Many around the world are trying to figure out what can change once they manage to overcome the coronavirus epidemic, believing that people will never behave the way they used to. What changes could they have thought of? Most Americans already believe that we know it will be one …

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The new ThinkPad keyboard has been released

[ad_1] The compact keyboard also offers a dwarf mouse. ThinkPad business laptops are famous for their excellent keyboards, which is why Lenovo, even seven years ago, also made the product available for desktop computers. Now it has slightly upgraded peripherals, the first successor to the market in the United States …

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