World: the number of daily deaths in Italy has dropped below two hundred

[ad_1] World: daily deaths in Italy drop below two hundred Would you like to receive information about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”681db971-a5fd-4e3a-a3a1-84a29521d41b”,”c_author”:”Kovács István”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Ahogy közeledik a trianoni békediktátum évfordulója, úgy törnek elő újult erővel különféle mítoszok a döntések hátteréről, illetve egy nem létező 100 éves …

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Totalcar – Magazin – Hétfőn a Ferrari is beindul

[ad_1] More hélappal azután, hogy az olazországi járványhelyzet miatt bezárta kapuit, hétfőn a Ferrari maranellói és modenai üzemében is beindul a munka. A Ferrari üzemei ​​az északi Emilia-Romagna was ruled by találhatóak. Nem olyan régen ez még egy különösen fertőzött területe volt az országnak, de marr sokat javult a járványhelyzet …

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250 megapixel Samsung camera sensor is also available

[ad_1] The 150 megapixel sensor for mobile phones is almost complete, and the 250 megapixel update has started. Samsung has said it wants to increase the 600-megapixel resolution of image management sensors in smartphones, which is considered equal to the human eye. Of course, we have to wait a long …

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Scherer Jzsef’s Dead Skin

[ad_1] Jzsef Scherer, a retired university professor, design artist from Nomi-djas, a full member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts (MMA), died on Saturday in the year 73 of the year, MMA announced Sunday. “József Scherer was a versatile and diverse genre, designed, trained, educated and specialized in the field.Plyja …

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Another Italian mystery appeared after the virus raged

[ad_1] In Italy, they are slowly loosening the rules introduced due to the coronavirus epidemic, but the Roman government is indebted to explaining exactly to the people what their plan is, for example, why they are allowed to open bookstores while the church service limits. The Italian government can pat …

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Team Fortress commemorates Rick May with 2 statues

[ad_1] Rick May was a voice actor, especially Peppy Hare, or Soldier from Team Fortress 2. Valve also participates in the main thrust in front of the actor: they commemorate May with sculptures in the game. Rick May was an actor and nicknamed actor, who died last month at the …

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The Sample Fathers return to TV2

[ad_1] You can also watch the popular daily series on two channels. Last November, TV2’s daily series Sample Fathers premiered with the lives of four parents starring Iván Fenyő, Viktor Klem, Béla Mészáros and Tamás Kimmel Szabó. TV2 has decided: Sample Fathers will remove him from the show Read more …

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Economy: the real Hungarian state telemedicine begins

[ad_1] Economy: the true Hungarian state telemedicine begins Would you like to receive information about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”9fd687e8-17b8-40af-8a6a-6fb6d4392046″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Közölte a legfrissebb adatokat a Nemzeti Népegészségügyi Központ.”,”shortLead”:”Közölte a legfrissebb adatokat a Nemzeti Népegészségügyi Központ.”,”id”:”20200503_2998_embernel_mutattak_mar_ki_a_koronavirust_ujabb_ot_ember_meghalt_Magyarorszagon”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”3e8402e9-c383-47d2-9d49-9d284dce34dc”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/itthon/20200503_2998_embernel_mutattak_mar_ki_a_koronavirust_ujabb_ot_ember_meghalt_Magyarorszagon”,”timestamp”:”2020. május. 03. 07:24″,”title”:”2998 embernél mutatták már ki a koronavírust, újabb …

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