Economy: Government is promoting economic protection action plan on billboards

[ad_1] Economy: government promotes economic protection action plan on billboards Would you like to receive information about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”c7544c66-41c1-4ce7-8021-c44a6f2a2bd2″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Ahogy a TV2, a fideszes portál sem tudta bizonyítani a vádakat.”,”shortLead”:”Ahogy a TV2, a fideszes portál sem tudta bizonyítani a vádakat.”,”id”:”20200502_Vesztett_a_Pesti_Sracok_Laszlo_Imre_ellen_koholmany_volt_a_zaklatasi_ugy”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”ebea1104-5226-47dc-8d66-31be83f6d735″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/itthon/20200502_Vesztett_a_Pesti_Sracok_Laszlo_Imre_ellen_koholmany_volt_a_zaklatasi_ugy”,”timestamp”:”2020. május. 02. …

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At home: Merkely does not want to be a minister, she would remain at the head of SOTE

[ad_1] At home: Merkely does not want to be a minister, she would remain at the head of SOTE Would you like to receive information about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”733cb6f6-5eea-4e3b-be1a-8cedde9eab2e”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Korai volt a híresztelés, Észak-Korea ura él és virul.”,”shortLead”:”Korai volt a híresztelés, Észak-Korea ura …

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Nem a spórolásra megy az ABT hibrid Q5-ös Audija

[ad_1] A legtöbben a hatékonysággal is a kis fogyasztással azonosítják a hibrid autókat, pedig ma Tues rendkívül sokféle hibrid hajtás létezik is ezek közül nem mind arra szolgál, hogy kevesebbet kelljen a benz Az Audi Q5 55 TFSIe-ben például a 252 lóerős turbomotor mellé csapják hozzá a konnektorról tölthető elektromos …

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Geoff Keighley’s Big Summer Release [VIDEO]

[ad_1] The reporter, who previously also served as the host of the E3 Coliseum (which will also host Gamescom’s opening night this year, even digitally, in addition to being known as the organizer of The Game Awards) has launched a new initiative. Geoff Keighley Accordingly, it will be a “season …

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Economy: Supplement of the year: the mouth mask

[ad_1] Economy: Supplement for the year: the mouth mask Would you like to receive information about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”e1bede4a-645a-4642-b992-59ac0d9cddfb”,”c_author”:”Németh András”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”A kutatók már évekkel ezelőtt figyelmeztettek, hogy elkerülhetetlen egy újabb veszélyes világjárvány kitörése. Most, hogy az új koronavírus rászabadult az emberiségre, érdemes lenne komolyabban venni …

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A cat tested positive for coronavirus in France news

[ad_1] In France, a cat tested positive for a coronavirus, presumably infected with its owners. – Said the Alfort National Veterinary College (ENVA) near Paris on Saturday, which advises infected people to also stay away from their pets. A joint team of epidemiologists from ENVA, the French health authorities and …

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