Thus, his old company says goodbye to István Szilágyi

[ad_1] Throat obstruction commemoration: this is how your old company says goodbye to István Szilágyi István Szilágyi, who was found dead on Sunday, was also commemorated by his former company, the Győr National Theater. The theater considers the award-winning artist Győr National Kisfaludy Lifetime Achievement Award to be his own …

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A third Russian doctor fell out of a hospital window.

[ad_1] In Russia, the number of confirmed Covid-19 infections increased by another 10,581 to 145,268 during the last day, according to official figures released on Monday, reports the MTI. The daily increase, this time by 7.9 percent, topped 10,000 for the second consecutive day. 50.6 percent of newly diagnosed infections …

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Technology: Hungarian graphic artists made a brutal preview of the new Assassin’s Creed

[ad_1] Technology: Hungarian graphic artists made a brutal preview of the new Assassin’s Creed Would you like to receive information about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”9514577d-d6a4-4ba6-af43-9e6cb6f63017″,”c_author”:”Gécs Dániel”,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Egy kisebb vagyonnal kell számolnia annak, aki kipróbálná a Valve új Half-Life játékát, az Alyxhoz ugyanis nem elég …

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Lady Kitty Spencer Style – Beauty and Fashion

[ad_1] There was much admiration for Princess Diana’s dress, and not by chance: she always appeared in elegant, sophisticated compositions, but smuggled in current trends and, sometimes, sexier lines in her sets. And her style seems to have been learned by her beautiful niece too, as Lady Kitty Spencer, 29, …

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