At home: CEO of OGYÉI: Not only Hungary can receive the Russian vaccine in Europe

[ad_1] At home: OGYÉI CEO: Not only Hungary can receive the Russian vaccine in Europe | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”812cb728-7590-4204-9b49-040dd7169e6b”,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Hétfőn kezdődik a 70 év felettiek oltása.”,”shortLead”:”Hétfőn kezdődik a 70 év felettiek oltása.”,”id”:”20210124_Lengyelorszagban_marcius_vegeig_tobb_mint_3_millio_embert_oltanak_be_koronavirus_ellen”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”a6e0cd29-15d9-48bd-84c3-7526a0e1fb22″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/vilag/20210124_Lengyelorszagban_marcius_vegeig_tobb_mint_3_millio_embert_oltanak_be_koronavirus_ellen”,”timestamp”:”2021. január. 24. 20:21″,”title”:”Lengyelországban …

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The world soccer champion has ended the streak

[ad_1] Kevin Grosskreutz, a member of the 2014 World Championship in Germany, announced on Sunday that he will finish professional football, but will continue to play at the amateur level. Ten years later, it was time to leave professional football. Remlem, let’s meet on the amateur mattress “- the 32-year-old …

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A gay man who marries a nympho

[ad_1] It is about a homosexual who marries a nympho, Ken Russell summed up with his provocative wit, one of the most popular composers in the history of universal music, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, culminating his private and creative struggles in a unity and vision. unique. Zenera jongók the story of …

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