Lifestyle +: Tamás Jordán: “The Theater Society, by entering theater life, ruined everything”

[ad_1] Lifestyle +: Tamás Jordán: “The Theater Society, by entering theater life, ruined everything” | Would you like to receive information about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”1656aae7-d1fb-4af3-89ef-79fcc70fe464″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”Úgy tűnik, Sussexék tényleg saját kézbe vették a sorsukat. “,”shortLead”:”Úgy tűnik, Sussexék tényleg saját kézbe vették a sorsukat. …

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Perhaps rats did not spread plague in the Middle Ages

[ad_1] Recent research has shown that the pest spread too quickly for only rats to spread according to accepted opinion. It is no coincidence that the most devastating European law was dubbed the “Black Room” in the 14th century: between 1347 and 1351, the plague took at least 30-60 soldiers …

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The Last of Us: Part II is complete

[ad_1] Not to be afraid of more slips, The Last of Us: Part II was gold plated. Game director Neil Druckmann thanked the developers for their work and the support of fans in an honest video. After several slips and housework from the coronavirus, the final version of The Last …

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WHO: the virus comes from nature

[ad_1] The World Health Organization (WHO) considers that Washington’s claims about the origin of the coronavirus in the laboratory are unfounded and continues to consider that the virus comes from nature, according to a WHO press conference held online in Geneva on Monday at local time. Michael Ryan The organization’s …

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