Index – Culture – Beer can be shut down in quarantine

[ad_1] Although the coronavirus went through our calculations that on the first beautiful spring day we would sit in groups on benches, blankets or terraces and have beers with our friends / family, Hungarian brewing could not foresee the events, and spring for the summer, beers brought for those purposes. …

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Ford Fiesta vs. Ford Puma

[ad_1] Miközben szép csendben szinte teljesen kihaltak az egyterűek, zsugorodik a klasszikus szedánok piaca, és kisautót sem igazán könnyű eladni, addig a szabadidő-autók fogynak, mint kijárási korláto akorz Akár kicsi, akár nagy, akár olcsó, akár drága, mindegy, biztos nem sokáig szomorkodik majd a kirakatban. A babérkoszorús autóbuzi szerepében pozolók pedig …

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The Last of Us: Part II appeared in gold

[ad_1] game There has been a small scandal surrounding the game in the past few days, but that will no longer affect the premiere. 05/05/2020. 16:30 | from GeryG | Category: Game the Naughty dog after several postponements, it really looks like he’s done his job: it’s been The last …

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Index – Domestic – Parents personally demanded explanation from tank district center chief about scandalous recruitment

[ad_1] On Monday, several parents personally asked the director of the Hódmezővásárhely Tank District Center for an explanation of why, despite the admission results announced in March, they do not admit their children to the selected elementary schools. Parents also presented preliminary admission results and the denial letter sent to …

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Croatia and Slovenia would save the summer

[ad_1] Slovenian Economy Minister Zdravko Pocivalsek told reporters after a meeting of the group of experts he chaired: economic recovery measures taken. According to him, tourism companies will have to receive state support for at least another four months or until the end of the year, and a special fund …

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