Croatian collapse, Qatari joy in triple race

[ad_1] In the final round of the semi-final of the Egyptian Men’s Handball World Cup, even three teams could have advanced to II. group behind Denmark, this was eventually replaced by Qatar, who defeated Argentina. The Croats suffered a knockout loss to the Danish defenders, if we add the departure …

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US equity markets closed mixed

[ad_1] In the afternoon, the mood on the stock markets deteriorated deeply, in part due to the spread of the coronavirus and the restrictive measures taken to curb the epidemic, as well as its effects on the economy. In addition, the fact that the most important economic index in the …

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World: Stopped several lawsuits against Trump in the US Supreme Court.

[ad_1] World: Stopped several Trump lawsuits in the US Supreme Court Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”7a151ae2-c721-48cb-aeb5-55d38850a12b”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Senki sem sérült meg a rablás során. A rendőrség két férfit vett őrizetbe. “,”shortLead”:”Senki sem sérült meg a rablás során. A …

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Index – National – Katalin Novák: General calculator is coming

[ad_1] The Japanese also praise the Hungarian family support system, which we have been building since 2010. Previously, crimes against young people were committed, without the support of the left-wing government. We are constantly building, and we are already seeing serious results, said the Minister without a Family Portfolio at …

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