Important update for Firefox 76

[ad_1] Its developments are mainly related to password security. The latest version of the Mozilla weekly update is available. Firefox has brought 76 more and more players, and in this version, password security measures have been introduced. As part of this, the Lockwise password manager automatically displays a value when …

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At home: Freedom House: Hungary has slipped between hybrid regimes

[ad_1] At home: Freedom House: Hungary entered hybrid regimes Would you like to be informed about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”07c5efc8-73f2-4f0b-80c5-0b9995950e98″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”Jobb ajándék egy végzős egyetemista számára talán nincs is, mint hogy kérdezhet a számára leginspirálóbb embertől.”,”shortLead”:”Jobb ajándék egy végzős egyetemista számára talán nincs is, …

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Mother’s Day Offer: Get Windows 10 Free! (X)

[ad_1] More and more people are starting to work from home or continue to do so while the virus is in full swing globally, redefining the meaning of the word normal. Telecommuting can be very tempting, but there are also many difficulties and issues involved, such as maintaining productivity or …

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Coronavirus epidemic: recent data has arrived

[ad_1] According to the data, the Hungarian authorities found 46 new infections in the last 24 hours. Although this is more than the previous two days (37 and 30, respectively), it still fits into a gradual downward trend. Considering the 10 new victims, there is also no downward trend in …

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