Szlávik: lehetséges, hogy mar megvan to koronavírus elleni védőoltás

[ad_1] Valószínűleg denevérektől származik az új koronavírus – mondta Szlávik, hozzátéve, hogy a denevérek képesek betegség nélkül hordozni például az ebola is a veszettség kórokozój is. Jó lenne tudni milyen a denevérek immunrendszer, miért tudnak ilyen jól reagálni – tette hozzá. Viszont ha a denevéreknek megváltozik valami az életvitelében és …

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Agile mini-dragons appeared at the foot of the Mecsek

[ad_1] The mating season for green lizards began in early May. At such times, males fight fiercely for females, as evidenced by the numerous bite marks on the head and neck or the detached tails. Hungary’s largest lizard’s favorite habitat type is the hillside dotted with trees or shrubs, so …

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Letter from the girl to heaven – Boy

[ad_1] The dog-child friendship is for life, through it the little ones learn the concepts of care, responsibility, unconditional love, accomplice and playmate. It makes a child a different person if he grows up next to a dog: with a four-legged person, he experiences many common, funny or even annoying …

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István Szilágyi’s widow is being harassed

[ad_1] Suspicious figures appeared at the home of the widow of István Szilágyi. Aunt Jolika could easily be harassed by members of the housing mob. It hasn’t even been a week since then died in tragic circumstances The mafia at Gáspár Lópici’s house, István Szilágyi, already has a toothache. At …

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Government is simplifying corporate and retail administration

[ad_1] According to the communication, as part of the fight against the coronavirus epidemic, another government measure will help protect the health of citizens and the operation of companies. Instead of official approval most activities will also be possible with notification, thus reducing the number of employee and customer meetings …

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