Zhvg: If you thought that the coronavirus had nothing to do with destroying the environment, now we are disappointed

[ad_1] Zhvg: If you thought coronavirus had nothing to do with destroying the environment, now we are disappointed | hvg.hu Would you like to be informed about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”26770093-4845-44dd-806b-c288b084a19b”,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”Május 18-án újranyitják a látogatók előtt az athéni Akropoliszt és az összes görögországi régészeti …

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World: Less than two hundred Italian victims, pedestrians filled the Italian streets

[ad_1] World: Less than two hundred Italian victims, Italian streets full of pedestrians | hvg.hu Would you like to be informed about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”0d2b13ff-ac1e-4887-a9b0-1eaed72e7c76″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Oroszországban egy nap alatt 10 817-tel 198 676-ra nőtt az igazolt Covid-19-fertőzések száma a szombaton közölt hivatalos adatok szerint, …

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Thousands of Germans protested against coronavirus restrictions

[ad_1] Most took to the streets of Stuttgart, in southwestern Germany, with minor movements in Berlin, Munich, and Frankfurt. In Stuttgart, thousands marched along the Cannstatter Wasen on the banks of the Neckar River, where festivals are often held. A police spokesman said many people participated in the movement, but …

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Bitten Elon Musk: Tesla withdraws from California

[ad_1] Elon Musk was angered that the Alameda County public health chief had specifically asked the Tesla factory not to resume vehicle production due to restrictions due to the coronavirus. The Tesla plant is slated to reopen its doors this Friday. “Tesla will immediately sue Alameda County. A foolish, unelected …

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The streets of Italy are full. 24.hu

[ad_1] The epidemic curve in Italy is booming, and the number of patients who die in one day falls below 200, according to Civil Defense data on Saturday night. At the same time, the streets were crowded with people walking and the opening of stores was carried out in several …

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They won the prize

[ad_1] After just two weeks of hoarding, another millionaire made a lucky player for the lot. The total amount is HUF 391,793 million. You can read it at Szerencsejtk Zrt. The following prizes were drawn in a televised lottery: 30 (Thirty)57 (Tvenht)58 (Tvennyolc)61 (Sixty-one)86 (Eighty-six) Joker: 833 234 Jackets to …

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