Még mindig a félelem az úr a Premier League-ben

[ad_1] Az angol Premier League vezetői szerint a labdarúgók közül sokan ellenzik a futballbajnoki idény folytatását, és az újrakezdés helyett a mielőbbi szezonzárást szorgalmazzák. A Daily Mirror angol lap információi szerint akár 50 footballer – klubonként két-három játékos – azon az állásponton van, hogy az intézkedések ellenére sem biztonságos a …

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Life + style: a two-week quarantine awaits those arriving in the UK

[ad_1] Life + style: a two-week quarantine awaits those arriving in the UK hvg.hu Would you like to be informed about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”41ee165a-3d0e-4588-9c98-712017403628″,”c_author”:”hvg.hu”,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”Május végén jön a formáció új albuma. “,”shortLead”:”Május végén jön a formáció új albuma. “,”id”:”20200508_Belau_klippremier_a_hvghun”,”image”:”https://img0.hvg.hu/image.aspx?id=41ee165a-3d0e-4588-9c98-712017403628&view=ffdb5e3a-e632-4abc-b367-3d9b3bb5573b”,”index”:0,”item”:”d3ff3e8f-e9cd-4b14-887c-2e1b107cdef7″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/elet/20200508_Belau_klippremier_a_hvghun”,”timestamp”:”2020. május. 08. 14:00″,”title”:”Miért nem vesszük …

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Frequencies were assigned by NMHH – Napi.hu

[ad_1] At this week’s meeting, the Media Council of the National Media and Communications Authority (NMHH) announced a winner in the tender procedure for a radio frequency in Siklós and an island in Szigetvár, the authority’s communications directorate. he told MTI on Saturday. In both cases, Karc FM Média Kft., …

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Fear of his mother’s life: her son prohibits Aniko Ungár from leaving the house | BorsOnline – Celebrity News – Gossip – Crime – Politics

[ad_1] Actor Gábor Baronits prohibited his mother, Aniko Ungár, from leaving the house during the coronavirus epidemic. Actor Gábor Baronits prohibited his mother, Aniko Ungár, from leaving the house during the coronavirus epidemic. According to the artist of the Karinthy Theater, it is not by chance that we have to …

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Dead Attila Fülöp opera singer – Infostart.hu

[ad_1] Attila Fülöp was born in Szombathely in 1942 and studied at the Budapest University of Technology, where he graduated as an electrical engineer in 1966. His first job was with the Hungarian record company, where he worked as a sound engineer, and from 1965 he learned to sing privately. …

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The state of emergency in France lasted until July 10.

[ad_1] Two days before the gradual lifting of the general quarantine for the coronavirus epidemic, the French parliament voted on Saturday night to extend the state of health until July 10, while the health ministry indicated that The number of deaths from Covid-19 infection has increased by eighty in the …

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