Cops are clicking, looking for masked idiots

[ad_1] 09/05/2020. 13:30 He kicked a passenger and decapitated his fellow passenger in a tram 17 oath. He didn’t even have the sense to play the “strong man” in front of his electric security camera. They’re looking for a broken barn on II. District police officers were harassed in their …

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The Croatian coast is extinct: the country is in trouble

[ad_1] This program will email you the title and article introduction, all you have to do is enter the recipient’s email address. You can also add some line comments to the message in the “Comment” section. Croatia suffers enormous economic damage due to the decrease in tourism. In May, there …

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At home: the police liquidated a Hungarian gang that executed women in Germany

[ad_1] At home: the police liquidated a Hungarian gang that executed women in Germany Would you like to be informed about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”a4187689-f50a-4631-ae58-58de899b316f”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Ha segélyhívást indít a felhasználó, a központba a hívással együtt automatikusan eljutnak egészségügyi adatai is, ha iPhone-t vagy Apple …

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Government withdraws another source from Budapest

[ad_1] Citing the epidemic, the cabinet would not pay the promised subsidy for the purchase of buses this year, Népszava learned. With this, they can chase the city to get loans. The government would not pay the promised 3.2 billion HUF grant for the replacement of buses to Budapest due …

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United States: 1,635 crowns killed in one day

[ad_1] The United States has 77,000 dead. According to data from the Johns Hopkins University and Hospital in Baltimore, from Thursday night to Friday night, 1,635 Americans died of a new type of coronavirus-induced pneumonia called Covid-19, which increased the number of deaths in I know. USA Over 77,000. More …

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Government will further simplify public and corporate management

[ad_1] As part of the fight against coronary heart disease, better government action is helping to protect the health of citizens and the functioning of businesses. Instead of being authorized by the authorities, most activities will be announced, thereby reducing the number of meetings and administrative burdens for companies. As …

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Close due to Robinson Tours epidemic

[ad_1] Robinson Tours, a travel agency that has been on the market for 25 years and employs 80 people, announced on its website on Saturday that it would “lower the lute” due to the epidemic, writes MTI. The travel company reported that there are currently no overseas passengers and that …

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Britain is planning a quarantine for arrivals

[ad_1] According to a BBC report on Saturday, the professional organization representing airlines, Airlines UK, knows that the measure would take effect from the end of May and would apply to all those who come from abroad, with the exception of those traveling from Ireland to the UK. Government and …

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Meghalt to vilghr amerikai bvsz

[ad_1] Meghalt koronavrus-fertzs ​​okozta szvdmnyekben Roy Horn vilghr amerikai bvsz s idomr, a fehr tigrisekkel dolgoz Siegfried & Roy legends bvszpros fiatalabb tagja. Szvivjnek kzlemnye szerint a 75 ves nmet szrmazs illuzionista pnteken egy Las Vegas-i krhzban halt bele vrusfertzs ​​szvdmnyeibe. Roy Hornra emlkeznek to New York-New York Hotel & …

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