Itthon: Felfüggesztette az agrárminiszter profilját a Facebook

[ad_1] Itthon: Felfüggesztette az agrárminiszter profilját a Facebook | Szeretne azonnal értesülni a legfontosabb hérekről? Nem kerem Kerem [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”00d23578-fbfa-4244-a3e4-22dd15ced32c”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Ferencvárosban ingyen szűrést biztosítanak az időseknek, a DK-s vezetésű kerületekben pedig a munka nélkül maradtaknak adnak támogatást. Itthon eddig 3263 koronavírusos beteget regisztráltak, a világon már meghaladja a 4 milliót az …

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Index – Külföld – Ezreket parancsoltak utcára a járvány közepette

[ad_1] „Akivel eddig csókolózott, csókolózzon tovább. Ne nyomuljon most more nőre, is a többi, bírja ki egy hónapig ” – Alekszandr Lukasenko néhány nappal korábbi járványügyi javaslata mindent elmond arról, mit is gondol Belarusz elnöke a koronavírusról. Szombaton ezt hatalmas katonai paradéval is világossá tette: még Moszkva is lemondott arról, …

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At home: “There were only more people during the bicycle parade”: several records were broken in Budapest

[ad_1] At home: “There was more than that just during the bicycle parade”: several records were broken in Budapest | Would you like to be informed about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”b04f7e0c-c15d-4e42-8fb3-e193301a985b”,”c_author”:”HVG360″,”category”:”360″,”description”:”A “Valaki útravált…” – Az úton levő és kiútkereső Ady Endre című kötet …

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The President of the European Commission went to Germany

[ad_1] In a verdict issued on Tuesday, the German Constitutional Court set a deadline of three months for the European Central Bank to justify its 2015 decision. otherwise, the German central bank will no longer be able to participate in it. In a statement, the chairman of the EU committee …

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Future 2070 – Femina Terrace

[ad_1] Researchers have pointed out countless times that the increasing global warming of recent years is not a game, because if our world moves at that rate, everyday life can become unbearable even in the lives of us and our children. Unfortunately, the latest predictions also reinforce this terrifying suggestion. …

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Intimate images came out of Dallos Bogi

[ad_1] We were able to get an insight into the life of the star couple, as Peti Puskás made these spicy photos of their love. Former X-Faktor mentors Bogi Dallos and Peti Puskás have been enjoying each other’s company for several months, and fortunately the harmony between them seems intact. …

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The crisis shows the need for an early retirement (MSZP)

[ad_1] This program will email you the title and article introduction, all you have to do is enter the recipient’s email address. You can also add some line comments to the message in the “Comment” section. For people who have lost their jobs, the future is not in the world …

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