At home: Népszava: Kásler rewrote the rule on what medical care should be screened for coronavirus earlier

[ad_1] Home: Popular Words: Kásler Rewrote the Rule of What Healthcare Should Be Tested for Coronavirus Before Healthcare | Would you like to be informed about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”7d29781b-4e74-4574-98d7-be2d4d22a151″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Egy idős vuhani férfi koronavírus-tesztje pozitív lett. Észak-Kínában egy városban magasra emelték a riasztási …

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Croatia is gradually reopening its borders

[ad_1] Croatia will gradually reopen its borders starting Sunday: Foreigners traveling to the country for business or other economic interests, as well as for urgent personal reasons, may enter, the crisis team’s press conference revealed on Sunday. According to the regulation, foreign citizens and their relatives who have real estate …

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America is in big trouble, the economy should restart

[ad_1] “There is a significant risk of not restarting,” said the minister. He affirmed that those who return to work must work in safe conditions, in some workplaces they must comply with the social exclusion standards introduced so far. Unemployment, currently at 14.5 percent, was not very worrisome, “It is …

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The yellow check received an ultimatum

[ad_1] Electronic banking is becoming more and more a part of everyday life among retail customers. Almost 11 percent more people entered K&H’s electronic bank between March 16 and April 15 than a month earlier. 36,000 “checks” were paid through electronic banking and more than 50,000 through mobile banking, an …

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Judit Varga: the nail came out of the bag again

[ad_1] The nail came out of the bag again. For a couple of weeks Vera Jourova appeared to be dealing with the expected independence of the European Commission under Hungarian law. This also caused some paralysis in the liberal mainstream for a few moments as they could not start with …

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Világ: Újra megjelent Vuhanban to koronavírus

[ad_1] Világ: Újra megjelent Vuhanban to koronavírus | Szeretne azonnal értesülni a legfontosabb hiperkről? Nem kerem Kerem [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”fe46775d-a083-4389-8797-eaab01d1726f”,”c_author”:”Dobos Emese”,”category”:”gazdasag.zhvg”,”description”:”A világjárvány miatt egyre inkább előtérbe került, hogy egyszer használatos csomagolások és műanyagok is jelentik az egészségünk zálogát. Az EU-ban ehhez képest közeleg az egyszer használatos műanyagokra vonatkozó tiltás, a helyettesítők …

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