An emergency situation changes your state of emergency in Romni

[ad_1] After the extraordinary state of affairs, which was announced due to the coronary army law, we would also restrict procedure and action in Romni: the Bucharest government passed a bill, which will present it to parliament as a matter of urgency. Locations serving customers locally, in public transportation vehicles, …

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At home: the late György László Király, former president of APEH

[ad_1] At home: the late György László Király, former APEH President Would you like to be informed about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”83177c8f-75e2-4e30-b36f-92efee3a942d”,”c_author”:”HVG Extra Pszichológia”,”category”:”elet.pszichologiamagazin”,”description”:”A válások a legritkább esetben történnek derült égből villámcsapás jelleggel. A gyülekező viharfelhők nyomasztó légkört jelentenek a családban, és sokszor …

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F1: Vettel to leave Ferrari later this year – press release

[ad_1] Four-time Formula One world champion Sebastian Vettel could leave Ferrari at the end of the season, German newspapers reported Monday night. According to Auto Motor und Sport, the German driver and the Italian stable were unable to reach an agreement to extend Vettel’s contract, which expires at the end …

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Doom can also come to Sweden

[ad_1] Thanks to Sweden’s special roadmap strategy, for the moment, it appears to have escaped the cronavirus epidemic with a relatively mild decline. However, experts say that by the end of the year, the Swedish economy could fall into a severe recession, while far more deaths have been reported than …

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Itthon: Intézményi bontásban tették közzé az idősotthonok fertőzöttségi adatait

[ad_1] Itthon: Intézményi bontásban tették közzé az idősotthonok fertőzöttségi adatait | Szeretne azonnal értesülni a legfontosabb hiperkről? Nem kerem Kerem [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”5ed2c8b2-ea64-46a2-991c-73f9882092c5″,”c_author”:”MTI /”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Havasi Gábor és László Imre szerint a páciensek szállítása csak növelné az érintkezések számát, miközben mások is fertőzésveszélynek lennének kitéve.”,”shortLead”:”Havasi Gábor és László Imre szerint a páciensek …

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