Exatlon Hungary – 95th broadcast / tv2.hu

[ad_1] In the 95th broadcast of Exatlon Hungary, the Joker fought on the mine track. Who took the major album will be revealed in the full stream! Two teams fight for the grand prize and glory on the slopes of Exatlon Hungary, where physical performance is important. Exatlon Hungary is …

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Coronavirus could bring unprecedented wave of state bankruptcy

[ad_1] The international credit rating highlighted that there have been three sovereign payment failures since the beginning of the year: Argentina, Ecuador and Lebanon are behind with their public debt service obligations. This means that the number of government debtors who filed for bankruptcy has already set the annual record …

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Béla Merkely: I was also surprised

[ad_1] As previously reported, so far, only two of the more than 8,000 PCR tests have been positive in a national coronavirus testing program organized by four medical universities. The head of the program, Merkely Béla He told ATV Straight Talk, the halftime results surprised the professionals and him as …

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Index – Külföld – 100 éve a spanyolnáthát, most a koronavírust győzte le Spanyolország legidősebb embere

[ad_1] 2020.05.12. 18:39 Mode: 2020.05.12. 21:35 Spanyolország legidősebb embere, a 113 éves María Branyas túlélte a koronavírus-fertőzést, miután gyerekként legyőzte a spanyolnáthát is – közölte a La Vanguardia című országos katalán napilap nyomán az MTI. A 113 éves asszonyt ráadásul kórházba sem kellett szállítani kezelésre – miután áprilisban enyhe tünetekkel …

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At home: an investigation into the Pesti út nursing home was started

[ad_1] At home: an investigation into the Pesti út hvg.hu nursing home was started Would you like to be informed about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”b0cdd595-984d-487e-9a22-2e9348f59617″,”c_author”:”HVG360″,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Négy halottja volt a járványnak hétfőn, csak az új koronavírusos betegeket kell Budapestre szállítani, visszatérőben az élet Olaszországban. Ez a …

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Gergely Karcsony has now decided to remove 85 trees

[ad_1] Gergely Karcsony gave permission to harvest 85 trees with yesterday’s decision, including emergency rights, Origo said on the main website. This is not only because protecting the environment and the environment has been an important element of the mayoral campaign, but also because it is much less concerned with …

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Economy: Coronavirus researchers also order special material from small town in Nógrád

[ad_1] Economy: Coronavirus researchers also order special material from a small town in Nógrád hvg.hu Would you like to be informed about the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”292d609d-b07f-4bf0-8899-b5681f138974″,”c_author”:”Bedő Iván”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Elfeledett ifjú Robinsonok szívmelengető története az egyik tétel, amelyre új, nagyon optimista könyvét építi Rutger Bregman holland történész …

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