Győr showed why the best team in the world – Pop

[ad_1] Buducsnost was disappointed in Podgorica after the 11-goal loss at home to ETO in Győr. Bojana Popovics regretted that many times the heart was carried away by the Montenegrin team players in the Champions League quarterfinals, so they could not demonstrate their true knowledge, but at the same time …

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World – Color Codes Are Coming – New Travel Rules Are Being Introduced In England Due To The Epidemic

[ad_1] World: Color Codes Coming: New Travel Rules Introduced in England Due to Epidemic | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”3dc36310-5cd8-47ff-b15e-8a917a4d6f43″,”c_author”:”Bedő Iván”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”A koronavírus-oltások hatása laborvizsgálattal kimutatható, de a beoltottaknak – a járvány jelenlegi szakaszában – nem érdemes ezzel foglalkozniuk. …

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More than 10,000 protested in Stuttgart, most without a mask

[ad_1] More than 10,000 protested, largely without a protective mask, against epidemic restrictions in Stuttgart, southwestern Germany, on Saturday, police said. The Stuttgart authorities, according to the MTI, warned in advance that the demonstration would dissolve if its participants did not comply with the mandatory regulations at the time of …

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