Gazdaság: Történt valami, amire 10 éve nem volt példa Magyarországon

[ad_1] Gazdaság: Történt valami, amire 10 éve nem volt példa Magyarországon | Szeretne azonnal értesülni a legfontosabb hiperkről? Nem kerem Kerem [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”72058e44-9a30-4fe1-9410-d8769e51995f”,”c_author”:”Serdült Viktória”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Orbán Viktor és Varga Judit nélkül kezdődött meg a vita reggel kilenc után nem sokkal az Európai Parlament plenáris ülésén a magyar járvány miatt bevezetett intézkedésekről, és …

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Another death occurred in a nursing home on Pest Road

[ad_1] Another relative of a deceased elderly patient accuses the Pest Road nursing home of failing to care for his relative, ultimately leading to his death. The man said his mother even got water. He also told Ripost that the situation at the institution maintained by the Metropolitan Municipality had …

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Index – Culture – This series is made for the elf

[ad_1] We live in a strange world: A series has appeared on Netflix, co-directed and produced by Oscar-winning Damien Chazelle, creator of films like Whiplash, The California Dream and The First Man, and there is little trace of this on the streaming site. While the site proudly advertises it’s in …

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Mourning: Atila Ladinszky, who died at the age of seventy.

[ad_1] The Spanish Real Betis website reported that Atila Ladinszky, who had strengthened the team between 1975 and 1978, had passed away. For the purposes of our magazine, sources close to the family confirmed the news: Tatabánya, Vasas, Dutch Feyenoord, Belgian Anderlecht, Spanish Real Betis and French Toulouse, a former …

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