At home: The organizers of the Sunday demonstration were fined 500 thousand florins per person

[ad_1] At home: The organizers of the Sunday demonstration were fined 500 thousand guilders per person Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”34cfd74c-dba5-48d9-90c3-6b51b859deb2″,”c_author”:”Dezső András”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”A politikus tulajdoni hányada nőtt a “kastélyos” cégben.”,”shortLead”:”A politikus tulajdoni hányada nőtt a “kastélyos” cégben.”,”id”:”20210201_Eltunt_Lazar_szamlajarol_48_millio_de_egy_16_hektaros_szantoval_lett_gazdagabb”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”54b52cce-d355-4b7e-bd2b-4ee66fe15998″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/itthon/20210201_Eltunt_Lazar_szamlajarol_48_millio_de_egy_16_hektaros_szantoval_lett_gazdagabb”,”timestamp”:”2021. …

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Index – Domestic – Orbán pays a debt, Rogán remarried

[ad_1] The patrimonial declarations of the members of parliament for the year 2020 have been made public. According to János Hargitai, chairman of the KDNP of the Parliamentary Immunity Committee, 198 members of Parliament, members of nationalities and 12 national defenders presented their declarations of ownership to their spouses or …

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At home: Antal Rogán remarried

[ad_1] At home: Antal Rogán remarried Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”5945c281-6d7d-443c-a6d1-7504261ec56c”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Azt nem közölték, ki és mivel fenyegette meg az országos tisztifőorvost.”,”shortLead”:”Azt nem közölték, ki és mivel fenyegette meg az országos tisztifőorvost.”,”id”:”20210131_muller_cecilia_testor_szemelyi_vedelem”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”2a37e4bb-3354-43b2-b731-f39b060b34ee”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/itthon/20210131_muller_cecilia_testor_szemelyi_vedelem”,”timestamp”:”2021. január. 31. 09:13″,”title”:”Müller Cecíliát azért …

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La Liga: Barcelona – Athletic de Bilbao – NSO

[ad_1] FC Barcelona defeated Athletic Bilbao 2-1 on Sunday night on matchday 21 of the Spanish Championship, winning its last two five league games, ahead of Real Madrid in qualifying and second place. Ad 54. Messi free kick (10) in the goal (Photo: AFP) SPAIN LA LEAGUEROUND 21FC Barcelona 2–1 …

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