OG Duck is struggling financially – Home star

[ad_1] In the 90 a Hip hop guys it was one of the most popular Hungarian men’s teams. It was founded in 1992, its members are Levy T. (Egry Levente), Duck OG (Krisztián Kalocsai) and they were Real Action (Zoltan Szucs). They have had great success with hits like I’m …

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The fan reviews are not good, but they are absolutely right.

[ad_1] Budapest Honvéd suffered a 2-1 loss at home to Kisvárda in the third round of NB I football. After the match, Tamás Bódog spoke critically about his team’s performance, while Attila Supka said that what was expected was what that had been planned. According to Tamás Bódog, his players …

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Technology: Initiated: Due to the virus, ELTE TTK banned attendance at all conferences and seminars

[ad_1] Tech: Started: Due to the virus, ELTE TTK banned all conferences and seminars | hvg.hu Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”faccaebd-15ea-46ab-8096-7ba5e8b8d227″,”c_author”:”hvg.hu”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Az igazságügyi miniszter második tesztje is negatív lett.”,”shortLead”:”Az igazságügyi miniszter második tesztje is negatív lett.”,”id”:”20200829_varga_judit_koronavirus_fertozes_negativ_teszt”,”image”:”https://img4.hvg.hu/image.aspx?id=faccaebd-15ea-46ab-8096-7ba5e8b8d227&view=ffdb5e3a-e632-4abc-b367-3d9b3bb5573b”,”index”:0,”item”:”eb77a5a5-31d4-4586-8d00-1d1e82b60f53″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/itthon/20200829_varga_judit_koronavirus_fertozes_negativ_teszt”,”timestamp”:”2020. augusztus. 29. …

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Fehérvár and Honvéd’s list of possible opponents was reduced

[ad_1] Mol Fehérvár FC and Budapest Honvéd announced on their official websites that the European Football Association (UEFA) has narrowed down the list of possible El-Qualifying opponents of Fehérvár. Both teams can get opponents from three clubs each. Ad The people of Fehérvár can even play against another Irish team …

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