Coronavirus: an ominous forecast has arrived –

[ad_1] The reproductive value of the coronavirus epidemic in Hungary can be estimated at 2-2.5 at the moment, Gergely Röst, a mathematician at SZTE, told According to the head of the Epidemiological Mathematics team, the proportion of cases brought in and related to them does not even reach 10 …

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Economy: Orbán: We are a boring parliamentary democracy

[ad_1] Economy: Orbán: We are a boring parliamentary democracy Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”b31a012b-1cca-4e42-a708-261f75c5aebf”,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”Állítólag istenek mentek át a hídon valaha. Arról nincs fotó, a cicikről viszont van.”,”shortLead”:”Állítólag istenek mentek át a hídon valaha. Arról nincs fotó, …

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Index – National – We can say goodbye to peace at Mass

[ad_1] Due to the epidemiological situation, the course of Hungarian Catholic Masses is being changed. We can say goodbye to the right to peace, avoid shaking hands at Mass. Furthermore, according to church reports, the Hungarian Catholic Bishops’ Conference the text of the mass book will change, so it is …

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At home: the direction of the drama and the senate will also resign

[ad_1] At home: the Performing Arts Directorate and the Senate also resign Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”6e1a7eb3-7125-4831-9be8-a59650f3e0e5″,”c_author”:”Gyenis Ágnes”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”A nyár második felében iparkodtak behozni a kiesést a turisztikai szolgáltatók, ám ez sokak számára a kormány külföldellenes propagandája és szigorításai mellett …

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He renounces the practically complete management of SZFE

[ad_1] New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj. I’m interested László Upor and Eszter NovákPhoto: botost / The University of Theater and Cinema held a long press conference this Monday afternoon, the last act of which was the resignation of the university leadership. László Upor, who holds the …

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The Hungarian government only notified the European Commission on Monday afternoon that the borders had been closed.

[ad_1] Details of the Hungarian announcement about the closure of the borders are still being investigated, the European Commission said at a press conference in Brussels on Monday, according to a Euronews article. Journalist question Adalbert Jahnz, the spokesman for the committee for Schengen-related matters, said: There was a videoconference …

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At home: Gábor Török: Economic recession will destroy Fidesz support

[ad_1] At home: Gábor Török: Economic recession will destroy Fidesz support | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”ea26ce35-561a-45b7-a4dc-a09f976f04a2″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”Néhol 38 fok is lehet, délutántól viszont zivatarok is várhatók.rn”,”shortLead”:”Néhol 38 fok is lehet, délutántól viszont zivatarok is várhatók.rn”,”id”:”20200829_hoseg_meleg_figyelmeztetes”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”d648d6dd-23cb-4106-8af2-14ca2b466717″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/elet/20200829_hoseg_meleg_figyelmeztetes”,”timestamp”:”2020. augusztus. …

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F1: “Ferrari is embarrassed again”, press coverage

[ad_1] The international press primarily wrote to defending champion and six-time world champion Lewis Hamilton, a British Mercedes driver, about Ferrari’s start-finish victory and torment the day after Sunday’s Formula One Belgian Grand Prix. (Photo: AFP) Ad Anglia: The Guardian:“Lewis Hamilton won the Belgian Grand Prix on a day that …

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