Starting tomorrow, the new brigade will write the Index

[ad_1] Most of the laid-off employees finished their careers in the index today, we will no longer write the materials starting tomorrow. – Former newspaper employees wrote on the Outgoing Index page. And really: the footprint of the page is almost completely empty. Most of the laid off employees finished …

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At home: “It’s not just about SZFE, it’s about the whole country,” the acting students said.

[ad_1] At home: “It’s not just about SZFE, it’s about the whole country” – acting students demonstrated | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”683f8d63-c5c6-4bc3-b825-011acfefb1a4″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Ilyen meleg még nem volt ezen a nyáron, mint most vasárnap. Jegyezzük meg jól, …

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A freezing storm, lightning bolt – a second alarm was sounded

[ad_1] Due to the risk of thunderstorms, the National Weather Service issued alarms in the early afternoon for some southwestern counties: Somogy, Baranya and Tolna. Severe thunderstorms with lightning, high winds, or ice can occur in affected areas. Strong thunderstorms can also be expected Tuesday across most of the country. …

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At home: Palkovics arbitrarily rewrote which investigation should get money from OTKA

[ad_1] At home: Palkovics arbitrarily rewrote which investigation should get money from OTKA | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”da06b39d-172f-48c5-82d7-18a8398dc666″,”c_author”:”Czeglédi Fanni”,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”Lenyűgöző dokusorozat készült az elmúlt évek talán legbrutálisabb szexszektájának a történetéről és a hálózat leleplezéséről. A Beavatási …

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Assassination of Trump Killed in Action in Portland

[ad_1] On Saturday night, US President Donald Trump found support for a man in Portland during radical leftist riots. To find out more and more about this, based on the recordings that have just been released, the murder may have been planned in advance, and there is also a suspect …

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