Index – National – Tamás Gyárfás refuted urban rumors

[ad_1] I didn’t trust Péter Tasnádi or Tamás Portik with the murder of János Fenyő – said Tamás Gyárfás Media entrepreneur, sports leader, the first defendant in Pine Murder’s trial in Tuesday’s Metropolitan Court trial. The media entrepreneur János Fenyő was assassinated in 1998 in Budapest by Jozef Rohác, who …

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Slavic: epidemiological measures must be taken in Hungary

[ad_1] Examination of hereditary material in sewage samples shows that this hereditary material began to increase in the sewage of Budapest and many large rural cities. All of this proves the spread of the coronavirus infection. As this virus enters the human body, it begins to multiply, and then part …

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Two gangs clashed in Debrecen: video of the perpetrators

[ad_1] The Hajdú-Bihar County Police Headquarters Criminal Department has initiated proceedings against unknown perpetrators on suspicion of potentially fatal bodily injury. According to currently available data, two companies clashed on Simonffy Street in Debrecen on 23 August between 2 and 30:30 after a nuisance. During the incident, a 40-year-old man …

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At home: Closed in Érd, the specialist’s laboratory because of a coronavirus worker

[ad_1] At home: Érden specialized laboratory closed by a coronavirus worker Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”9a3d1f01-2c35-4742-a20e-c223ba678c33″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”kultura”,”description”:”Az egyetemi autonómia visszaállításáig a színművész semmilyen munkát nem vállal ott, ahol eddig két osztályt vezetett.”,”shortLead”:”Az egyetemi autonómia visszaállításáig a színművész …

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Cult: Acting students are preparing for a long-running war

[ad_1] Worship: acting students prepare for long-lasting war Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”bc6d8fcd-687e-42a9-b137-0ef869f06f6b”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”kkv”,”description”:”A Smart Lynx Kft. az ötödik kerületben épít ki okosparkolást. A munka eredetileg 140 millióról szólt, ma már 385 millióba kerül.”,”shortLead”:”A Smart Lynx Kft. …

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World: Charlie Hebdo republishes Mohamed cartoons

[ad_1] World: Cartoon of Mohamed reissued by Charlie Hebdo | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”bc6d8fcd-687e-42a9-b137-0ef869f06f6b”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”kkv”,”description”:”A Smart Lynx Kft. az ötödik kerületben épít ki okosparkolást. A munka eredetileg 140 millióról szólt, ma már 385 millióba kerül.”,”shortLead”:”A Smart …

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Cult: New Performing Arts Board Says Resigned Leadership Has Disappointed Students In Epidemic Situations

[ad_1] Cult: According to the new Board of Performing Arts, the resigned leadership has disappointed students in the epidemic situation | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”449fede8-39ef-46e4-a709-7719d4c8e2f6″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”kkv”,”description”:”A veterán műsorvezetőt többmilliós fizetéssel szerződtették a Retro Rádióhoz a Blikk …

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World: Belgium declares Hungary a red country

[ad_1] World: Belgium declares Hungary a red country Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”9524bb27-eb24-4e1c-b2b8-097a9059858c”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Első fokon pénzbírságra ítélték a János Kórházban öt éve történtek felelőseit. Ha jogerős ítélet születik, a dokumentumok meghamisításának ügye is bíróság elé kerülhet.”,”shortLead”:”Első fokon …

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