got involved in a great debate

[ad_1] – The Media Measurement Analysis Workshop, in an honorable post on the importance of the subject, addressed the fact that the meteorological report appeared in the Index with the following title: “Weekend: let it rain!” The workshop on freedom of the press and professionalism of the Hungarian media concluded …

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Crocodile seen in Frankfurt

[ad_1] A crocodile was spotted near a river near Frankfurt, local authorities said Tuesday, according to the MTI. The meter-old young reptile was spotted on the Ortenberg boardwalk by a local who notified authorities. Authorities warned breeders to take care of their poultry and also warned nearby dog ​​owners. However, …

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Here’s Samsung’s new foldable luxury car

[ad_1] Samsung has unveiled its next folding device, and on September 1, the company’s portfolio was expanded with a new model: the Galaxy Z Fold 2, a mobile with a giant double-fold screen. The size of the device that expands the Fold series has become even larger than its predecessor: …

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Sport: The final of the European Super Cup in Budapest is in danger, according to the German press

[ad_1] Sport: The final of the European Super Cup in Budapest is in danger, according to the German press Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”ad6a66ff-6efa-489a-89d0-e14fe9a891f5″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”kultura”,”description”:”A jubileumi, 20. ARC plakátkiállítás október 2-án kezdődik, az újbudai Bikás parkban.”,”shortLead”:”A jubileumi, …

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Several hospitals in Budapest have announced a ban on visits.

[ad_1] It is not possible to visit patients from Tuesday in the capital St. Imre University Hospital, the In the center of north-central Buda (St. John Hospital), the New Hospital and Clinic Szent István, a South-Pest Central Hospital – National Institute of Hematology and Infectious Diseases, and the At the …

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Diego Forlán was fired from Vadócz’s head

[ad_1] Diego Forlán is no longer the coach of the most popular team in the Uruguayan league, Peñarol, in which Krisztián Vadócz also plays soccer. The attacker, voted best at the 2010 World Cup, was thanked for his work after his team only finished seventh in the table after nine …

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