Here is also the decree on the rescue of the hosts.

[ad_1] On Tuesday, following information from the Hungarian Nation, we also reported that the government is changing its current model, as a result of which entrepreneurs interested in the hospitality and tourism industry will receive the state wage subsidy in advance after request it. The change in model is expected …

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Angela Merkel said vaccines are welcome in the EU

[ad_1] In an interview broadcast on national public television ARD, the chancellor highlighted the publication of “good data” on a Russian vaccine called Sputnik V, and also spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin about an investigation to be launched at the EMA, the authority of Community pharmacovigilance. . Representing Member …

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Technology: Russian vaccine has been rated safe and effective by the Lancet medical journal

[ad_1] Technology: Russian vaccine rated safe and effective by Lancet medical journal Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”0f10e3ec-bbfb-4fcc-8ba4-6eeda14daf8f”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”A Lego három és fél órányi hanganyagot töltött fel mintegy 15 streamingszolgáltató oldalára – többek között a Spotify-ra és az …

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Company: NAV immediately eliminated the salary subsidy assigned to the Megyeri inn

[ad_1] Company: NAV immediately eliminated the salary subsidy assigned to the Megyeri inn Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”73bef11b-d568-4c33-9916-9b1473e663f1″,”c_author”:”MTI/”,”category”:”sport”,”description”:”A brazil reménykedik, hogy világbajnok csapattársa, Kylian Mbappé sem hagyja el a csapatot.”,”shortLead”:”A brazil reménykedik, hogy világbajnok csapattársa, Kylian …

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