The investigation of the Eszenyi case has been closed

[ad_1] The investigation of the Comedy Theater Supervisory Board was concluded, during which the commission processed a total of 71 written and personal reports, the Mayor’s Office informed the press. According to the announcement, from July 7 to 9. After the hearings held between, the Vigilance Board communicated its findings …

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DVSC: Varga Kevin continues in Turkey – official

[ad_1] Previous press reports have proven to be true: the DVSC soccer team has announced on their official website that their player, Varga Kevin, will continue his career at Turkey’s vanguard Kasimpasa. Kevin Varga (left) certified for Turkey (Photo: Miklós Szabó) According to the people of Hajdúság, Varga traveled on …

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The entire town was terrified of drugs in Baranya.

[ad_1] Surprising things came to light about Vilmos V, 36, the most popular drug dealer in Baranya County: the man regularly insulted cheese relatives, resolved the dispute with a poem, and 80 slices of the Hungarian online drug market were in her hands. In two years, he became a billionaire …

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Cult: András Bárdos also left acting

[ad_1] Cult: András Bárdos also left the Performance Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”3924baed-0cb9-40bf-8b37-f07e655baab7″,”c_author”:”MTI /”,”category”:”kultura”,”description”:”Az egyetem új fenntartója szerint különösen a járványhelyzetben folytatnia kellene munkáját a lemondott vezetőknek.”,”shortLead”:”Az egyetem új fenntartója szerint különösen a járványhelyzetben folytatnia …

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Economy: More than 5,000 municipal workers went on strike

[ad_1] Economy: More than 5,000 municipal workers go on strike Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”ec07b1b8-145d-470b-b53c-ad6cc3290ace”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”kultura”,”description”:”Az RTL Klub sorozatának folytatása szeptember 19-én kezdődik.rnrn”,”shortLead”:”Az RTL Klub sorozatának folytatása szeptember 19-én kezdődik.rnrn”,”id”:”20200901_Ismet_mozgasban_Pajkaszeg_indul_A_mi_kis_falunk_uj_evada”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”8df7bd44-9bff-4b02-890f-4ee5dc00a674″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/kultura/20200901_Ismet_mozgasban_Pajkaszeg_indul_A_mi_kis_falunk_uj_evada”,”timestamp”:”2020. szeptember. 01. 10:32″,”title”:”Ismét mozgásban Pajkaszeg: indul A …

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