At home: Viktor Orbán surprised Miklós Kásler

[ad_1] At home: Viktor Orbán surprised Miklós Kásler Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”ed3ca23a-b0d7-4244-8890-aff1c9e53be3″,”c_author”:”HVG”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Amennyire nehéz logikát keresni az új járványügyi szabályozásban, annyira könnyű kockázatos rendelkezéseket találni.”,”shortLead”:”Amennyire nehéz logikát keresni az új járványügyi szabályozásban, annyira könnyű kockázatos rendelkezéseket …

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Ukraine did not allow the Hungarian Secretary of State

[ad_1] János Árpád Potápi was denied entry. The Secretary of State for National Policy in the Prime Minister’s Office reportedly went to Transcarpathia because a renovated Hungarian school in Uzhhorod was handed over on Thursday, writes Kárpá The portal calls it an unusual and hostile step in international practice that …

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World: Another survivor was found under the ruins of Beirut, a month after the massive explosion

[ad_1] World: Another survivor may have been found under the ruins of Beirut a month after the massive explosion | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”7378c33f-ba91-43ae-9ba4-9f24eb85f32a”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”kultura”,”description”:”Upor László, Németh Gábor és Bagossy László találkozik majd a kuratóriumi elnökkel, …

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Gábor Máté will also leave SZFE

[ad_1] New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj. I’m interested Following the two former directors of the Katona József Theater, Gábor Székely and Gábor Zsámbéki, and the chief director Tamás Ascher, the director Gábor Máté will also leave the University of Theater and Cinematographic Arts: “Nights of insomnia, anger …

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At home: Christmas: soon, infected people may appear in Hungary in the order of thousands

[ad_1] At home: Christmas: soon, infected people may appear in Hungary on the order of thousands Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”52e1ee82-3c3d-423a-a169-5a8c71a55d0c”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”A színész özvegye szerint ez akkor nagyon megrémítette a férjét.”,”shortLead”:”A színész özvegye szerint ez akkor nagyon …

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