Technology: risk of death from severe mental disorder coronavirus increases

[ad_1] Technology: risk of death from severe mental disorder coronavirus increases Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”670dbb4f-8aac-4605-9afc-f6d5145dca00″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”kkv”,”description”:”Ahogy sok más ország autógyáraiban, most a romániai Dacia-gyárban is fel kellett függeszteni a munkát, annyira nincsenek félvezetők.”,”shortLead”:”Ahogy sok más ország …

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The European Medicines Agency is testing a new vaccine

[ad_1] According to the communication of the EMA Based on the initial results of laboratory tests and clinical trials, the EU agency decided to launch a continuous review procedure. The launch of the study means that the test data and results will be evaluated by the agency before a formal …

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Viktor Orbán will speak in a few hours

[ad_1] The event, which starts at 10 am on Thursday, is structured as follows: László Parragh, President of MKIK – Greeting and presentation Mihály varga, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance – conference Viktor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary – conference László Parragh – final word Last week, Viktor Orbán …

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