Fucsovics’ next opponent looks forward to the match:

[ad_1] Frances Tiafoe is looking forward to her third round match against Martin Fucsovics at the American International Tennis Championships. So far, the games have met twice, both times the Hungarian tennis player has won (Photo: AFP) Ad The 22-year-old national driver, after his five-game win over Australian John Millman, …

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Company: Szijjártó announced a historic gas business

[ad_1] Company: Historic gas business announced hvg.hu Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”270fcd40-ee2a-4de7-a913-4e2bdde04e0d”,”c_author”:”hvg.hu”,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”Kis híján megvolt a 360-as árfolyam az euróval szemben, ha azt áttöri a forint, a következő lépcső 370-nél lehet.”,”shortLead”:”Kis híján megvolt a 360-as árfolyam az euróval …

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Slavs: austerity may come, people are irresponsible

[ad_1] According to János Szlávik, chief physician at South Pest Central Hospital, people are undisciplined, especially young people who are now spreading the virus, but pose a great danger to the elderly. Restrictions are needed because fall is approaching when respiratory illnesses are common and it will be difficult to …

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