Bank fraud – Terraza Femina

[ad_1] MKB Bank warns of a phishing attack carried out by email using much more sophisticated tools than before: scammers use the bank’s name to send an email asking for data reconciliation. MKB Bank does not request personal and banking data from its customers either by phone or by email, …

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Index – Sport – Messi stays in Barcelona

[ad_1] It was really dramatic when I told my wife and kids that I wanted to leave the club. Everyone started crying, the boys didn’t want to leave Barcelona, ​​they didn’t want to change schools. Of course I want to play at the highest level, win titles, compete in the …

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At home: Hungarian Medical Chamber: second wave threatens to be a disaster

[ad_1] At home: Hungarian Medical Chamber: The second wave threatens a catastrophe Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”67174869-f6f5-48d4-8d14-c54037b1df81″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”kkv”,”description”:”A műsor összes résztvevőjét tesztelteti az RTL.”,”shortLead”:”A műsor összes résztvevőjét tesztelteti az RTL.”,”id”:”20200904_konyhafonok_vip_forgatas_koronavirus_fertozes”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”735f92fa-de18-4f6b-b007-57a607c1af0a”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/kkv/20200904_konyhafonok_vip_forgatas_koronavirus_fertozes”,”timestamp”:”2020. szeptember. 04. 15:40″,”title”:”Koronavírus miatt leállt a Konyhafőnök …

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Index – National – Phishing Scammers Abused MKB Name

[ad_1] Phishers send emails on behalf of MKB and their tools are getting more and more sophisticated. In the letter, clients are invited to reconcile data. However, the bank does not request data from its customers by phone or email. Don’t fall for the phishing scam, pay attention to the …

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