Index – National – Antal Rogán obtains new state office

[ad_1] The National Concessions Office is a central budget body that acts as a central office under the authority of the Minister responsible for overall political coordination (hereinafter the Prime Minister’s Chief of Staff). The Office does not have an economic organization. The Ministry, headed by the Prime Minister’s Chief …

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At home: Blikk: Fidesz’s Zsófia Koncz broke the law

[ad_1] At home: Blikk: Fidesz Zsófia Koncz violated the law Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”dad55d93-92ed-417d-a0cc-edf19625449b”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”cegauto”,”description”:”A jó ízléssel összeválogatott különleges gyűjtemény Massachusetts államban került elő. “,”shortLead”:”A jó ízléssel összeválogatott különleges gyűjtemény Massachusetts államban került elő. “,”id”:”20200903_Elkepeszto_autogyujtemenyt_rakott_ossze_egy_amerikai_drogkereskedo”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”d9c08686-efe0-4e16-b14a-552445f5dc6d”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/cegauto/20200903_Elkepeszto_autogyujtemenyt_rakott_ossze_egy_amerikai_drogkereskedo”,”timestamp”:”2020. szeptember. …

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Economy: Rogan’s power continues to grow, he controls the new state office

[ad_1] Economy: Rogan’s power continues to grow, he controls the new state office Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”863c91c8-b975-491d-8cdb-f8cce1add85c”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”cegauto”,”description”:”A LaFerrari Apertából 210 darab készült összesen.”,”shortLead”:”A LaFerrari Apertából 210 darab készült összesen.”,”id”:”20200904_Igy_mulat_egy_profi_golfos__22_millio_dollaros_Ferrarijan_uti_at_a_golflabdat”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”466c101d-dc60-421f-988c-22973dcae42c”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/cegauto/20200904_Igy_mulat_egy_profi_golfos__22_millio_dollaros_Ferrarijan_uti_at_a_golflabdat”,”timestamp”:”2020. szeptember. 04. 12:33″,”title”:”Így mulat egy profi …

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Zsófia Koncz, the official candidate, broke the law

[ad_1] The electoral commission of Tiszaújváros condemned him on Friday Koncz Zsófiát, the Fidesz-KDNP parliamentary candidate for breaking the law, said To the Electoral Commission Ádám Tóth An independent candidate filed an objection after noting that Zsófia Koncz had posted campaign photos with children on her own Facebook page. …

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