At home: police officers chased a BMW through the districts of Budapest

[ad_1] At home: police chased a BMW through districts of Budapest | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”67c8d59f-9a8e-4dd5-9839-81a0a71b773e”,”c_author”:”Gyenis Ágnes”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”A fennmaradásért vívott kilátástalan küzdelem sem hozza össze a vendéglátósokat. A saját vállalásaival késlekedő kormánynak sikerült leállítania a hétfői …

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Rogán’s new father-in-law bought a company for 750,000 florins, which received 2,200 million HUF in state support.

[ad_1] Documents available at the registration court Rogan Antal His new wife’s father bought a quarter of an agricultural consulting company in Nyíregyháza for 750,000 florins, which soon received HUF 2.232 million for agricultural consulting from the EU-funded rural development program, Transparent writes. The newspaper writes that Ductus Szaktanácsadó és …

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