Economy: Instead of an hour and a half by car, Péter Szijjártó went to a helicopter program

[ad_1] Economy: Instead of an hour and a half by car, Péter Szijjártó went to a helicopter program Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”71634a19-133f-47bf-86f8-cf6ea951a8d2″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”A támadás miatt a rendőrség eljárást indított.”,”shortLead”:”A támadás miatt a rendőrség eljárást indított.”,”id”:”20200905_Harom_eves_kislanyra_tamadt_egy_kutya”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”0bd21bf6-9500-4cdf-89fd-1c5382dbc48d”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/itthon/20200905_Harom_eves_kislanyra_tamadt_egy_kutya”,”timestamp”:”2020. szeptember. …

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Perhaps an alien spaceship has entered the Solar System

[ad_1] In 2018, a mysterious cigar-shaped object entered the Solar System. It was baptized as Oumuamua, which in Hawaiian means “message in order of arrival.” , and in a recently published new study, a much more science fiction theory emerged: The object resembles a spaceship designed by an alien civilization …

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Nations League: Sweden-France – NSO

[ad_1] On Saturday, the big shots will play the main role in the League of Nations: the Swedes will accept the French, follow the game with the help of the NSO! Mbappé scored a nice goal with a bit of luck (Photo: AFP) Nations League, ROUND 1THE LEAGUEGROUP 3Sweden-France 0-1 …

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Index – Foreign – Russia: NATO worked with Novice

[ad_1] They started pointing at each other. According to the Moscow Foreign Ministry, several Western countries and NATO laboratories have dealt with rookie-type neurotoxins, which German doctors say were poisoned by the Russians. Alexei Navalny opposition politician. Moscow responded that on Friday, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and French Foreign …

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Gábor Németh: For the attention of TGM – 444

[ad_1] New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj. I’m interested The writer and screenwriter Gábor Németh, who together with the rest of the leaders of the University of Theater and Film Arts, resigned this Monday from his position as rector counselor, following the opinion article by Miklós Tamás Gáspár. …

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