Several Western countries and NATO laboratories have been working on a poison called Novics, according to Russian foreign affairs.

[ad_1] Russia’s Foreign Ministry drew attention on Saturday, in response to “hostile statements” from Western countries, that several Western countries and NATO laboratories had dealt with Novicok-type neurotoxins, which German doctors say were poisoned. by Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny. According to Russian news agency Ria Novostyi, Moscow’s Foreign Ministry …

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Cult: László Bagossy: SZFE students created a small republic

[ad_1] Cult: László Bagossy: SZFE students created a small republic | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”ba6ac853-ac57-41b3-9339-9eaa968b2b3e”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”A pekingi állami média szerint az újrahasznosítható űrhajó békés célokat szolgál.”,”shortLead”:”A pekingi állami média szerint az újrahasznosítható űrhajó békés célokat szolgál.”,”id”:”20200904_kina_urhajo_urrepulogep_teszt”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”7d55b5e5-5a2a-4dcb-98ce-c03a0f21cfb7″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/tudomany/20200904_kina_urhajo_urrepulogep_teszt”,”timestamp”:”2020. …

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Cult: Viktor Bodó: It only makes sense if Attila Vidnyánszky goes back three

[ad_1] Cult: Viktor Bodó: It only makes sense that Attila Vidnyánszky goes back three | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”6fc1a19c-f967-4762-816b-59936574f7b2″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Az NKE kollégiumában csak a külföldiek és a karanténba kerültek maradhatnak.”,”shortLead”:”Az NKE kollégiumában csak a külföldiek és …

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At home: Treasure: the epidemic is spreading frighteningly

[ad_1] At home: Treasure: The epidemic is spreading terrifying Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”241abf2c-dcda-4519-a2af-0038809baad9″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”kultura”,”description”:”A Nemzeti Színház színésze jelezte: nagyon is jól tudja, „miben van benne”.”,”shortLead”:”A Nemzeti Színház színésze jelezte: nagyon is jól tudja, „miben van benne”.”,”id”:”20200904_alfoldi_robert_ratoti_zoltan_szfe_nyilt_level”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”beae5443-872e-4db0-9042-fc715daada26″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/kultura/20200904_alfoldi_robert_ratoti_zoltan_szfe_nyilt_level”,”timestamp”:”2020. …

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The Sziget Festival also stands out for SZFE students

[ad_1] We believe in national, diverse, independent culture and autonomous education. Sziget supports the students of the University of Theater and Film Arts for the invincibility of a core value, so you don’t have to worry about the inviolability of self-determination and autonomy. – can be read on the Facebook …

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Brutal video about Ferenc Gyurcsány – News TV

[ad_1] The new coronavirus infection was detected in 510 new Hungarian citizens, thus increasing the number of infected people identified in Hungary to 7,892. There were 3 chronic patients who died, so the number of deaths increased to 624 and 3,952 had already recovered. The number of actively infected people …

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