The drunk driver was pulled over twice in a row

[ad_1] Paks police have completed their investigation into a case against a man from Daruszentmiklós for being arrested twice in a few days last fall while driving drunk. On the morning of September 21 last year, the Dunaföldvár police stopped a car to test it. The 46-year-old pilot from Daruszentmiklós …

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Tech: Dizzying Depth, Heady Altitude – Perseverance Helicopter Crashes into Mars

[ad_1] Tech: Dizzying Depth, Heady Altitude: Perseverance Helicopter Crashes into Mars | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”dda55873-6f8a-492b-adf3-910d6b0ff438″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Szerinte még türelemre volna szükség áprilisban. “,”shortLead”:”Szerinte még türelemre volna szükség áprilisban. “,”id”:”20210404_Boldogkoi_Ne_nyissanak_aprilisban_az_iskolak_a_vedettek_eros_jogositvanyokat_kapjanak”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”f373dd96-8b2c-4caf-b673-39dd8c40c96c”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/itthon/20210404_Boldogkoi_Ne_nyissanak_aprilisban_az_iskolak_a_vedettek_eros_jogositvanyokat_kapjanak”,”timestamp”:”2021. április. 04. 13:03″,”title”:”Boldogkői: Ne nyissanak áprilisban az iskolák, …

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Vera Jourová to Spiegel: Hungarian democracy is very sick

[ad_1] The vice-president of the European Commission maintains his opinion that something is very wrong with Hungarian democracy, despite the fact that it has been the target of very violent attacks by the Orbán government, including numerous accusations of hatred against Hungarians. The Czech politician spoke about this in an …

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