Sport: Tímea Babos: It is terribly unfair, there is no acceptable reason for exclusion

[ad_1] Sport: Babos Tímea: Terribly unfair, no acceptable reason for exclusion Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”32205aea-fe8a-493e-8528-42d4ae5f61c7″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Egy nap alatt több mint 50 ezerrel nőtt a fertőzöttek száma.”,”shortLead”:”Egy nap alatt több mint 50 ezerrel nőtt a fertőzöttek száma.”,”id”:”20200905_Brutalis_szamokat_produkal_a_koronavirusjarvany_Braziliaban”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”d05e2cec-bea4-48a0-8b2a-5ca67f968bf6″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/vilag/20200905_Brutalis_szamokat_produkal_a_koronavirusjarvany_Braziliaban”,”timestamp”:”2020. …

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F1: Lewis Hamilton came close to a race ban

[ad_1] As is well known, Mercedes World Cup Champion and World Champion Lewis Hamilton finished seventh in the Italian Grand Prix when he went out to the pits to change a wheel when it was closed, for which he was imposed a 10 penalty. seconds of stop & go, as …

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Hamilton: I didn’t see the board

[ad_1] A Mercedes The British world champion was carefree at the forefront when Kevin Magnussen Due to his car, the race track decided to present the safety car. Pub Lewis hamilton entered the box for new wheels, then it turned out that at that time it was not regular. The …

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Police Preparation in Southern and Eastern Counties

[ad_1] This program will email you the title and introduction of the article, all you have to do is enter the recipient’s email address. You can also add some line comments to the message in the “Comment” section. An increase in police inspections was ordered from Monday to 6 months …

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Police control – Terraza Femina

[ad_1] From Monday, September 7, for a week, the police will intensify the railway crossings and platforms, it turns out that of a notice available on the website. According to the announcement, in the Railpol action, the Hungarian police will carry out further inspections in the framework of a …

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