The number of infected people jumped another psychological limit

[ad_1] There are already 27,003,973 people infected with the coronavirus epidemic worldwide, with 882,062 deaths and 18,056,984 survivors, according to the latest summary from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. A day earlier, 26,782,582 people were registered, the number of fatalities was 878,237 and the number of recovered was 17,843,929, according …

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Kult: Mácsai: “What is the author’s worldview is not a theatrical question” – video on the chain of life

[ad_1] Kult: Mácsai: “What is the author’s worldview is not a theatrical question” – video about the chain of life | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”d4c733f7-66bf-4ea9-9960-b4c9db534cb2″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Koronavírus-járvány és gazdasági helyzet ide vagy oda, az Apple úgy gondolja, …

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Six counties can swim in Monday’s thunderstorms

[ad_1] Until Monday morning, the sky will be very cloudy only on the north and northwest border, and there may be showers and thunderstorms here. Later, the clouds will rise elsewhere, there will be ragged clouds all over the country, and we can expect more or less sun everywhere, it …

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At home: Monday’s cold front brings storms

[ad_1] At home: Monday’s cold front brings storms Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”8ef30ec8-f3f1-4b63-a405-63014bba728a”,”c_author”:”Kovács Panka”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Kilenc hónapja van ellenzéki polgármestere a 22 éve nagyon fideszes Mohácsnak. Szeptember végén új választás lesz a drogokkal, szegénységgel és unalommal küzdő városban. …

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Sport: Djokovic was ruled out because he found one of the linesmen at his throat

[ad_1] Sport: Djokovic was disqualified because he found one of the linesmen in his throat Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”f0ea22d6-18f1-4caa-92e7-350554b3d9a0″,”c_author”:”Dobszay János”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Ahogy azt a HVG korábban előre megírta, pénteken hivatalosan is református püspök-jelölt lett Balog Zoltán, volt …

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