György Simonka: Orbán just asked how he could handle it

[ad_1] It begins on October 13 at the Metropolitan Court György Simonka Criminal case. The Fidesz Member of Parliament and his associates are accused by the Central Investigative Prosecutor’s Office of committing criminal fraud, embezzlement and forgery in a particularly conspiratorial criminal organization. According to the indictment, the value of …

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Economy: retrospective increase in pensions

[ad_1] Economy: retrospective increase in pensions Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”e1eaa659-5397-46ae-bb7a-3531c630f24a”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Gyűlnek az adományok, ám ez a pénz csak az induláshoz lesz elég Munk Veronika, a távozó indexesek új lapjának alapítója és leendő főszerkesztője szerint.”,”shortLead”:”Gyűlnek az adományok, …

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They died in the selfie: the crudest list of deaths

[ad_1] Ever since camera phones were around, there has been the concept of the self, and since then there have been those who have tried to photograph themselves in extreme conditions. Every year, many people die from it. We launch a new series in which we remember the most read …

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