In Italy, the death toll increased in one day

[ad_1] The number of deaths from the coronavirus epidemic and the number of patients treated in intensive care units has risen, according to authorities on Wednesday, in Italy, where most of the infections examined are still under thirty years old. In one day, 14 people died from complications of the …

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F1: Ferrari presents its festive painting – image

[ad_1] Ferrari will complete its 1000th Formula One race at this weekend’s Tuscan Grand Prix at Mugello. Maranellos wears the SF1000 in a festive robe for the glorious occasion, giving it a darker shade of red, exactly as the barn was introduced to the royal category 70 years ago. Ferrari …

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He was attacked by a migrant Matteo Salvini

[ad_1] Matteo Salvini, leader of the Italian opposition party Liga, was attacked by an immigrant at a campaign event in Tuscany on Wednesday, where regional elections will be held September 20-21. The Italian parties, without exception, condemned what happened. However, the police already apologize to the attacker. The Directorate of …

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At home: Cecília Müller ordered a ban on visits to hospitals

[ad_1] At home: Mecler Cecília ordered a ban on visits to hospitals Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”2d7aae11-92b0-4638-8964-8ed0177b837a”,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”A társaság meg akarja növelni a Magyarországon anyatejjel táplált csecsemők számát.”,”shortLead”:”A társaság meg akarja növelni a Magyarországon anyatejjel táplált csecsemők …

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